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Sunday 27 December 2015

The best places to visit in the United States

The best places to visit in the United States of America:

New York

New York : which includes a number of American icons, such as the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building and Times Square, and is the most populous city in America and the most popular, and also known as the "Big Apple", and is a New York City is a favorite destination visitors both domestic and international.


Chicago : it has long been called the "second city", it is the second place after New York City, both in terms of size or population, and Chicago has the best restaurants, and shopping venues, and museums, and recreational activities.

Washington DC 

Washington DC : the capital of the United States and Washington DC. It has  many museums and memorials making it one of the most visited cities in the United States, and especially for families and school groups.

Las Vegas 

Las Vegas : Most tourists go to Las Vegas, where it is a world-class shopping, and the first-class restaurants, and that makes this city a true oasis to enjoy, and is the top travel destination in the United States.

Los Angeles

Los Angeles : which is witnessing a large number of international celebrations, with breezes light in the faces of the Pacific Ocean and that makes Los Angeles one of the best tourist destinations in the United States, and there are a number of famous beaches such as Malibu or Santa Monica, in addition to fun shopping on Rodeo Drive and take a tour in Beverly Hills.


Hawaii : it is the destination of the natural beauty of the beaches to the rich culture of the South Pacific in Hawaii, and is the view of the United States ideal if you're looking for the real beauty.

 San Francisco

San Francisco : This legendary city known as the San Francisco Bay their neighborhoods, and San Francisco is the ideal city for nature lovers, and is also a great starting point for many trips.

Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon :it has a  wonder geology of the incredible  nature it that extends more than 200 km, it is  carved by the Colorado River over thousands of years, and are located in the state of Arizona, the Grand Canyon, and is the first destination to visit in the southwestern United States, and is one of the most popular national parks in the United States destinations.


Florida : includes beautiful beaches and tourist attractions such as the family-friendly Disney World, and Latin culture, also known as the "Sunshine State", and is one of the most popular places in the United States for visitors.

Saturday 26 December 2015

Phuket Island charm beauty in Thailand

Phuket island is located in the Andaman Sea and comprises a group of islands up to 39 island, and varied tourist attractions between the cultural, historical and natural.
Attract and beaches along the coast, "Phuket" millions of tourists, especially during World holidays such as Christmas holiday and New Year. And where many water sports activities such as windsurfing, water skiing, scuba diving and marine tours and many leisure activities on the sandy beaches.

Among the best beaches we  find Patong Beach, which extends three kilometers long and the most beautiful sunset scenes while the sun reflected on the towering cliffs and Karon Beach is the second largest beaches on the island.
It joins as a lot of tourists to the rise of Mae Tao Sepp Song rounds up the highest mountain 529 meters above sea level.

And cultural attractions that attract many of the National Museum and near the monument Batltan and Wat Halong It is an ancient temple dating for several centuries ago, in addition to the protection and development of wildlife center, where you can identify the scattered trees, forests and wildlife.

And offers  the global garden of butterflies and insects thousands of species of insects that are nurtured inside this park, there are some species is unparalleled in any other part of the world so it is visited by many, especially to watch these insects.

The Aquarium at Cape Panwa is subject to a lot of fish, whales and coral species which fascinates visitors, and in return it no crocodile farm, which has long been a place where alligators spread and become a place of pilgrimage intriguing.

Phuket Island  includes a variety of palaces such as  some exotic and distinctive villas and resorts and homes equipped with facilities fully equipped for the holidays and hotel apartments with hospitality services full-time security measures are good.

How do you reach Phuket?

There are three main ways to reach Phuket : the public bus directly from Bangkok  or by train, where you will have to get off at the Surat Thani station and then ride flying to Phuket Island bus, or by domestic flight from Bangkok and the journey takes only an hour of time, as you navigate Kuala Lumpur of Malaysia or some Arab airlines that offer direct flight service.


11 Amazing Things To Do in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The most popular tourist destinations in Russia

Red Square 

Located near the "Cathedral of the Annunciation." It is famous, but climbed by Caesars newly crowned. This staircase is also important historically as the "Peter the Great" saw this from the stairs surrounding the relatives during the uprising.

Red Square is one of the most important sites in Moscow and teeming with tourists every holiday season. Communism processions and rallies that were held here continue to pass through this stage. This Bnaela should especially be missed Lenin mausoleum is located here, it is home to the embalmed body of Lenin. Lenin played a very important role in the history of Russia. Where he led the 1917 revolution that toppled strain Caesar to become the first communist ruler of Russia.

Olexandrovska Gardens

It was held at the park entrance marble monument to honor the soldiers who died during World War II. Known as the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was built for the Russian Ahyaouamadn especially those that suffered atrocities under Nazi rule.

Diamond Fund

 Is the place of the royal crown jewels. Crown, which culminated in the "Catherine the Great" and a piece of 89-carat talented for "Nicholas I" diamonds by the "Shah of Persia" is not just some jewelry comprising the.

Cathedral Square

Every Saturday at noon changing of the guard ceremony taking place in this field. The celebration is aimed at visitors to return in time. The ceremony consists of horses and Orchestra and uniformed soldiers of the tsarist era. Tourists pay a separate fee to watch this show.

Armory Museum

It was built in the 19th century on the site which was the royal treasures are stored in it. Visit this place would be to enhance the knowledge of Russian tourists in history and heroes. Been here a variety of works of art ranging from the Imperial train wagons and weapons thrones designed and built various Russian rulers. It allows visitors to roam the museum for a period of not more than 1 hour and 45 minutes at a time. English audio guides are available and well worth the price to get a good explanation of goods offered here.

Tretyakov Gallery

This museum was built in the 19th century. It is among the most famous museums in Moscow is home only Russian art. Featuring paintings and antiques of Russian artists of different periods of time include "Vrobl" and "Kdensky" and "Malevich" and "Kondzhi" and "Ren". Group stunning should Mraon takes a full day or afternoon after a full morning to see the show.
Time: Sunday Althelathaealy 10 A.M- 7:30 P.M
Entrance fee:
Adults: US $ 8
Students: US $ 4.50

Friday 25 December 2015

the best places for christmass

Sahara Desert Tour 2014

Desert tourism in Algeria

Tamanrasset city represents the top tourist destination in Algeria as it contains natural landmarks allowed it to be a tourist town rattling.
Hoggar Tamanrasset, the capital city of Algiers boasts the antiquity of history and witness the drawings and stone inscriptions, which maintains a history of the region and discovered Btasala Hoggar and Tadeklt which today represents the richest open-air museum of prehistoric art. Therefore UNESCO classified area of ​​the barn national Ehghar saved within the World Heritage.
And is famous for its Tamanrasset being epic glaucoma men, "Tuareg" or "the people of the veil" who are notorious nickname "Blue Man" to Tvennhm to wear the scarf and turban blue, the color of their skin Allavh, where challenged them since ancient times, the difficulties of the Sahara, and turned it into a unique museum, Wherever I headed toward the sides of the famous mountain range and you feel groping civilization of the Stone Age, and the first human fingertips in an area indicated by the excavations, the human presence before half a million years.

Tamanrasset Province  located  about 1981 kilometers south of Algiers, bordered to the north byGhardaia and Ouargla  from  the east Illizi Province from the west by the state of Adrar and south Niger and Mali, the largest Algerian States space. Although it is located in the heart of the desert, but the climate of Tamanrasset different, more moderate due to the mountainous terrain.
And remained Tamanrasset attract the attention of people and knew the spread of the Berbers (Tuaregs) who came from (Isaan) and saw a human movement is very active when Astafr Romans in North Africa and made them attitude and a pole commercially important and turned to the junction of commercial convoys from Europe (Rome) and Africa.

Tamanrasset is the city's top tourist destination in Algeria from various parts of the world as it contains natural landmarks allowed it deserved to be the tourist town of first-class, self Vsahraaha send in peace and tranquility and the spirit of contemplation, for your history back to the first origins of man.

The most beautiful sunset


The city is famous for its beautiful sunset and in Aloskram area which is characterized by unique mountains and magnificent in fitted with a mountain Aloskram about 2800 meters and is this mountain, an important destination for tourists, it is to visit the city of Tamanrasset, you must not miss the opportunity to enjoy the view of the most beautiful sunset at all amid a painting Hmokh wonderful mix of mountains and sand serenity and splendor of sky at sunset.

And access to Aloskram not easy it is through the road is paved at an estimated distance of 80 kilometers, and the journey takes more than two hours interspersed with scenes of the utmost extravaganza see through different mountainous forms, there are forms resembling lions, elephants, fish and other-like thumb, and many others.
In addition to the rocks adorn along the way suggest that you are on the moon, and there is a nearby river from Aloskram increase its water in the summer period where space is very appropriate to stop it from the fatigue of travel to relax, and also you can see Mount Tahat, as the region has a meteorological station.

Charm and nobility


Tassili mountain range represents the outer belt Ehghar consists of great geological formations dating back to the first Ice Age and includes all of the north Modar, Tassili N'ajjer in the east and southeast, Tassili Nahgar the south, and Alosjrad and Alohnat in the west and the north.
Tassili is located in the arid high plateau rising 1,000 meters above sea level. This plateau and stretches on the bar with a length of 800 km from north to south and 50 to 60 kilometers from east to west in this region and there are sharp, rocky peaks reflect the effects of the first ancient historical cities. This terrain was carved under the influence of climate over time. There Btasala drawings and engravings evolved through the times where I knew different forms and contents is in fishing operations, dancing and worship.

Tinheinan the first Queen of  Tuaregs


Legend said that she was a very beautiful woman traveled to discover the heart of the deep desert, where she left her hometown Thavilalat south of the Moroccan Atlas, bound for the Hoggar region in the south of Algeria on board a camel and, accompanied by her maid and a group of slaves, and as novels says it has succeeded in forming an alliance with the tribes of the region to turn so to a woman tells her all the inhabitants of the region, thus becoming the first impressive Ataiwrac population and Queen replace them, and they were out of date celebrating the anniversary of its arrival in the Hoggar.


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